Wednesday 15 April 2015

65-year-old German Woman Is Pregnant With Quadruplet

Annegret Raunigk
A German woman, 65-year-old Annegret Raunigk, is pregnant with Quadruplet, a pregnancy that was made possible by IVF. Her pregnancy has generated overwhelmingly negative criticism. She's a mother of 13, she had her 13th child 10years ago. She may be the world oldest pregnant person. Medical experts have largely condemn her move because of the danger attached to pregnancy at her age. The health expert for the Christian Democrats, Jens Spahn, called Raunigk’s decision "negligent" and added the following....

 A pregnancy at an advanced age means a big risk for a mother and child. Even if it’s medically possible, you need to ask yourself whether it makes sense. I am very doubtful about that,” he said
Frank Louwen, secretary of the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics also added that
"her age, the fact she received egg and sperm donations, and that she is pregnant with quadruplets. “All three aspects are high-risk factors for a pregnancy,” he said. “They bring with them the danger of high blood pressure, pregnancy diabetes and pre-eclampsia, all of which impact on each other.” Risks for the babies include cerebral bleeding, paralysis, and sight and hearing problem.
 And in an interview with RTL, she has this to say to her critics.
“I’m of the opinion that everyone should live their life as they want to. Because this possibility exists and is used by thousands of people, I’m allowed to use it too.”
The exclusive right of her story has been bought by German Channel RTL and tabloid newspaper Bild, they will cover the journey of her pregnancy till she gives birth.

Source: The Guardian

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