Wednesday 15 April 2015

Isreali Newspaper Blank-out Kim Kardashian In A Picture With Kanye And Their Mayor

Kanye West and Mayor Nir Barkat

Kanye West is currently in Jerusalem for the baptism of their daughter, North West.  The couple had a dinner with the mayor of the city, Nir Barkat, a dinner that landed the mayor in hot water. The mayor got blasted by a newspaper, Kikar HaShabbat, for eating publicly in a non-kosher restaurant.

Kikar HaShabbat, is an ultra-orthodox newspaper that criticised the mayor and reported the story, but in their publication they refused to mention Kim Kardashian name,  she was refer to her as Kanye's wife, also in their publication they put a receipt over Kim's body and pixelate her in another. The original picture was initially posted by the mayor through his twitter account in his bid to welcome the couple to the city and announce his dinner with them.

Altered picture

Original Picture

The receipt they placed on Kim's body

Photo Credit: kikar

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