Thursday 21 May 2015

It's Tattoo Festival: Sean Tizzle Gets New Tattoo

Sean Tizzle is following the foot steps of his colleague, Wizkid. He will be the second Nigerian musician to get a huge tat and show if off on instagram Street.

His love for tattoo is probably indispensable as the singer is currently on tour and recording but still took some time out out of his busy schedule to get inked. Should I say Ssipgrats to him or what? lol
In between studio time and my U.S. tour, I still found time to invite the "Angels of Life" to join my collection of classic body art!!! Oh yeah by the way since I don't keep secrets from U all I have this new joint that's dropping soon and I need ya'll to support the movement till the wheels fall off!!! Remember...The Journey Continues!!!
After the cut another picture of one of his other tat, a huge one across his chest. A

One of his old tats