Wednesday 13 May 2015

Secret Recording Clears Abigail Igwe (John Fashanu's estranged wife) Of Lesbianism Rumour.

John Fashanu and his estranged wife, Abigail Igwe, the mother of Adaeze Yobo (Footballer Joseph Yobo's wife) click here if you missed the previous post.

The pair has been having a bit of back and forth argument about their bitter divorce, accusing each other of strings of things during the cause of their marriage. John Fashanu gave an interview about their falling marriage, where she was accused of being a lesbian, married three times and being 53 instead of 49.

A family friend called John Fashanu and recorded the telephone conversation which has now been leaked.

John Fashanu revealed in the conversation that she's not lesbian and that she's not 53 suggesting that it may have been a misquote by the newspaper.  He further revealed that he pays a gang of media guys about N100K a month to make sure nothing bad is said about him in the media.

Fashanu brags about how foreign media wants him to speak about how bad of a person she is, but he refused.