Thursday, 18 June 2015

Church Shooting: Is This White Privelege Or People Are Just Over Reacting

The internet is going crazy about the manner in which Dylann Roof's arrest was conducted. He was seen in a bullet proof as he exit a building where he was arrested. People are saying he was treated gently and given a bullet proof because he's white. They argue had it been he was black, he wouldn't get such luxury. References were then made to  the recent Police brutality against black teens caught on tape at a pool party.

But I have to be honest though the arrest looks decent, neat and violent free even though he had his leg chained and handcuffed. It' looks different from what you regularly see Police do. It may be down to the fact that he didn't resist arrest, who knows.  What do you think about the arrest conduct, is it white privilege or people are just being petty.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

D arrest is too easy fam yet they gna claim is mentally derailed smh
Ola Brampton