Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Robert Mugabe Asks For Obama's Hand In Marriage Following The Nationwide Legalisation Of Same Sex Marriage In U.S

Robert Mugabe is looking for trouble. The 91-year-old president of Zimbabwe didn't have much to say to the U.S particularly President Obama other than a bit of banter or insult how ever we want to describe it, following the court ruling of nationwide legalisation of same sex marriage in the U.S last week.   He's proposing marriage to the U.S president since same sex marriage is now legal in the U.S

Zimbabwe under Mugabe's watch is a country that is strongly against same sex marriage. 
“I’ve just concluded since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance thus if it becomes necessary, I shall travel to Washington, D.C, get down on my knee and ask his [Obama’s] hand. I can’t understand how this people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy.''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mugabe is funny,pls ask his hand in marriage
Ola Brampton