Saturday 19 September 2015

VIDEO: Hyperloop Is Here, It can get you from San Francisco To Los Angeles in 30minutes

Hyperloop is here and it's real. It's a technological company founded in 2014, headquarters in California. The brain box behind the company is Elon Musk, the founder of high grossing energy efficient car company, TESLA. His new vision for transportation can enable you to live anywhere and work anywhere within a reasonable periphery that never use to be possible. It will be ideal for cargo and commuters.

Hyperloop is conceptual high-speed transportation system with target speed of 750 MPH, it can get you from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. A journey that will normally take 6 hours+ by road. According to their wikipedia page, the technology will be made possible through..
Reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on an air cushion driven by linear induction motors and air compressors.

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