Friday 20 March 2015

Black People Are More Prone To Have Hypertension And Heart Related Diseases.

Not a lot of black people are aware that we are more prone to have high blood pressure, the silent killer as it is called. The condition rarely give any sign or symptoms, and it can go undiscovered for years until it start to cause some serious medical conditions like stroke, which could cause irreversible damages to our body if we ever survive it. The only way you can find out if you have high blood pressure is by getting your heart readings.  About 16 million people have high blood pressure in the UK. In the U.S 41% of Black Americans have hypertension as compared to 27% of whites. People with high blood pressure are three times more likely to have heart related diseases and twice likely to die of it. 

Reasons why high blood pressure is more common among people of  black origin is unknown or not very clear though medical science experts attribute it to our high level of sodium consumption, genetic or bad lifestyle choice like excessive weight.

The good news is the deadly disease can be controlled once you discover it. 52 % of sufferer have it under control through healthy life style and some through medications. Take your heart readings everyone now to make sure you are healthy. 

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