Sunday 22 March 2015

PHOTOS: David Beckham's Sister's Ex Boyfriend, Nigerian Kayode Modupe-Ojo Suffers Injustice After False Rape Accusation!

Kayode Modupe-Ojo is crying out about the injustice he suffered in the hands of British Police. The former spa owner was accused of rape by a lady he met on the internet. The two met up, spend sometime together at his gated apartment in Cheshire, North Of England. It was to his greatest surprise that the long arm of the law came knocking for on his door because a rape case has been filed against him by his newly found internet love interest after their two days time together. An accusation that left him in jail for three weeks. The authority denied him bail on the ground that he is a threat to women.  

She said she was tied up and moved around against her will, raped and that he possesses firearms, a claim a thorough search of his apartment debunk. It took a judge to spot his accuser's lies and dismissed the case. A case that shouldn't have been taken to court in the first place. The accuser said Mr Kayode took her phone but Police failed to check her phone call logs, she used her phone to call her mum, wished her friend happy birthday and text her boyfriend she was OKAY! CCTV images shows her exit as the pair hold hands and kissed. He also provided the authority with passwords to his computer and mobile phone to see correspondent between the pair before and after their meet-up, all of wish the police failed to examine coupled with the discrepancies in her stories.

Before he was acquitted in court, Modupe-Ojo's name had been reported, his bank account was frozen, he lost his spa business and he was ejected from his apartment after protest by women in the neighbourhood. As we speak his accuser enjoy anonymity protection despite lying to the law, and ruining an innocent man's life and image forever. Modupe-Ojo plans to sue the authority for the immense injustice!

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