Sunday 22 March 2015

Photo: Young Nigerian Girl Suffers Inflicting Abuse Allegedly From Parent!

A twitter account is claiming someone beat their child to like this. We just can't understand what a child could have done wrong to be beaten up by anyone this much. This is an attack on humanity and childhood. Parents can discipline their kids but we believe their is a fine line between discipline and abuse, this gruesome picture clear shows a parent(s) attack on their poor kid which is an ABUSE by any standard. We hope the government or concern authorities can look into this demonic act and act very quickly to safe this little girl from the hands of her prospective killer, we don't want a Nigerian version of baby P case in the United Kingdom. Even though their isn't much details about the incident you can see the little girl is leaning on an hospital bed with what appears to look like plaster tied to her left wrist up to the elbow. Our Prayers and thoughts are with her.

UPDATE: The story has reach the Nigerian Police Force through social media, they are looking into locating her.

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