Friday 20 March 2015

The British And American Women That Wants Pay-Out From Their EXs Years After Their Respective Divorce and Break-up.

Kathleen Wyatt

The British Story, Dale Vince and Kathleen Wyatt!

A British woman, Kathleen Wyatt is suing her ex-husband now millionaire, Dale Vince for £1.9 million. The couple divorced 23 years ago. Mr Vince's wealth came years after their bitter divorce, and both of the couple have since re-married. Kathleen have had three more kids with three different men making her children a total of 4 including the one with Mr Vince. 

Mr Dale now lives in a multi-million pounds house with his new wife, Kate in Gloucestershire. Kathleen Wyatt on the other hand lives in a 60,000 run down council house in Gloucester with her son, daughter, her daughter's boyfriend and their months old baby. 

The couple had settlement 20 years ago but she's suing him now for a pay-out, her reasons are she's being forced to live in abject poverty while her ex-husband's wealth sky rockets. Mr Vince is footing Kathleen legal bills which has run into about £500,000, she hired the same legal team that represented Princess Diana in her divorce case with Prince Charles.  On the 12 of March a supreme court have ruled in her favour that her case should be reconsidered by a family court.
Dale Vince

The American  Story, James Robertson and Tanya Fox!

A Detroit man, James Robertson walks miles everyday to get to work because he didn't have a car. He soon set up a GoFundMe account to ask good Samaritan for help towards the purchase of a car. His story went viral and contribution started to rush in, he raised about $350,000. The good new is he doesn't have to spend a dime of the fund on car as various car dealership heard about his story and blessed him with few cars. The story soon get interesting, his ex-girlfriend of 15 to 16 year ago, Tanya Fox, wants 50,000 pay-out out of the funds for home improvement, she claims that Mr Robert was a sob and She supported him all through the years they were together she did all what partners does in relationship. 

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