Wednesday 1 April 2015

And Orubebe Apologises To Nigerians For His Behaviour!

Elder Godsday Orubebe have since realise his actions and apologised to Nigerians. We think Prof. Jega deserve a personal apology too because he engaged the Prof. in a career assassinating way. His apology below.

" I apologise generally to Nigerians especially to the younger generation. I want to say if my action hurt them , I deeply regret it.
"I am naturally a man of peace and a child of God. I love and hold the interest of this country at heart, hence, my reaction which was provoked by Prof Jega"s behaviour. I strongly believe in fairness, equity and justice which I felt we were deprived of. I sincerely apologise and request national pardon. I love peace, I preach peace and hold national unity in high esteem. That is why I anchored the ceasefire that is now being enjoyed in the South -south region. I earnestly beg to be forgiven, in spite of the embarrassment reaction caused to our dear people. I am indeed sorry, I was only pushed to the wall ."

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