Monday 20 April 2015

How Gov. Fayose Just Turned To God!!

Gov. Peter Ayodele Fayose is a character in the Nigeria political terrain that can't be ignored. The Ekiti governor has been very vocal a lot more from the day his victory as the state's governor was announced. During the presidential trail he was more vocal than any PDP member against the opposition, Gen. Buhari to be precise.  He said and did a lot of alarming things.

Now though, the direction of his vocality looks like is taking a different direction. Check out his new message as he uses God to pass his point across in a very sympathetic way. A behaviour that's very unusual of the Ekiti man.  

“I asked for forgiveness for reconciliation and to pursue genuine peace. Waiving the olive branch does not mean cowardice, it is for peace.

“Conspiracy is against God’s will. What better way could one seeks peace other than asking for forgiveness.”

The governor also advised the opposition to emulate President Goodluck Jonathan, who conceded defeat and saved Nigeria from breaking down.

“When I contested Senatorial election, they said I lost and I did not fight anyone. I did not go to the tribunal and I was saying good things about the government then. The opposition should be courageous enough to accept defeat. I follow Jonathan in and out of office. Jonathan gave up on the survival of Nigeria. Jonathan prevented the prophecy that Nigeria would break in 2015.

“I’m enjoying the mandate of God through his people that cannot be controverted. My sin is because I allowed common man to breathe the air of hope.

“The people have spoken (governorship election), they said it was military intervention. They spoke the second term (presidential election), is that one photochromic? And they spoke again the third time (House of Assembly election).

“If God that gave me victory cannot defend me, I better go home. If the people cannot defend the mandate they gave to me, I better go home. Power doesn’t come from man. Power belongs to God. Anyone against the voice of God is following Satan’s way.”

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