Monday 27 April 2015

Russian Hackers Read Obama's E-mails.

The cold war between the U.S and Russia may be far from over. The leader of the free world, Pres. Obama, had his email read by suspected Russian hackers during a security breach at the white house but classified emails were not read according to New York Times.

According to officials the server that serves the President's email's communications from his blackberry was not affected but e-mails of the people he regularly communicates with may have been compromised.  But some of the e-mails that was affected may contain highly sensitive information like meeting with ambassadors, memos, and schedules. 

Officials are suspecting the hack may have been aided by some actors, possibly the Russian government because of the level of the hack sophistication.

“I don’t believe there is anything that’s 100% secure, but the president’s BlackBerry has a level of security that is satisfactory to the NSA,” he said, referring to the National Security Agency. Said Kevin Mitnick, a former hacker who is now a computer security consultant.

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