Monday 20 April 2015

Justin Timberlake Debuts His New Baby Picture.

Silas Timberlake and his mum, Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake baby, Silas Timberlake, is about a week old now, and the singer took to his instagram page to debut the baby's first public appearance. Jessica Biel, his wife, looks ecstatic in the picture just as she should.

You know anywhere there is happiness some people are just not happy for whatever reason. See what some bad belle people have to say.

Famous people’s babies: just like us, except smaller and yawn-ier and with more cash to blow on their miniature-sized wardrobes.

Maybe it’s me, since I am not a baby/kid person - but I don’t understand the fascination with celebrity offspring. They bred, made an infant. So what? Not the least bit interested.

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