Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Outcome Of South Africa Xenophobic Attacks

Various reports have it that there are number of xenophobic attacks in South Africa tight now. Foreigners are being attack and burn alive by South Africans while police wash on. They are accusing foreigners of taking their job. Unverifiable sources allege that about 10 Nigerians have been killed in this attack.

South Africa!! We don't really know what to say to you, clearly the attackers don't know the extend of hatred these attacks can bring towards their country globally. We have been hearing of different about different xenophonic attacks over the years especially towards Nigerians. Just last year a guy was push from the top floor of a flat after an argument with a South African, they have been reports too that South African police violate Nigerians.  Even South African women that are married to Nigerians formed an association to protest their displeased as to how their husbands gets treated by the authority. These madness needs to stop!!!

Very graphic picture of the attack below.

Photo Credit: Twitter

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