Thursday 14 May 2015

20 Crimes Punishable By Execution In North Korea. Don't Dare!

North Korea few days ago killed a top army official,  Defense Minister Hyon Yong Chol in the most horrible way anyone can die. He was shot by anti-aircraft gun into pieces in front of a crowd. 

North Korea Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, isn't a type of guy that looks back at what he does or the repercussion in long term, he's a brutal leader with no conscience.  Below are the punishable crime by execution in North Korea. 
  • Plots against National Sovereignty (discretionary)
  • Terrorism (discretionary)
  • Treason (discretionary)
  • Damage or destruction (discretionary)
  • Perfidy against the People (discretionary)
  • Intentional murder (discretionary)
  • Extremely grave crime of deliberate damage or destruction of resources reserved for purposes of combat and military facilities (mandatory) 
  • Extremely grave crime of seizing state property (mandatory) 
  • Extremely grave crime of the deliberate damage or destruction of state property (mandatory) 
  • Extremely grave crime of currency counterfeiting (mandatory) 
  • Extremely grave crime of smuggling and introducing jewels and coloured metal onto the black market (mandatory)
  • Crime of illicitly selling the state's resources (discretionary) 
  • Extremely grave crime of smuggling and introducing narcotics onto the black market (mandatory)
  • Extraordinarily grave act of delinquency (discretionary)
  • Crime of illegal business operations (discretionary)
  • Extremely grave crime of deliberately inflicting aggravated bodily injuries (discretionary)
  • Extremely grave crime of kidnapping (mandatory)
  • Extraordinarily grave crime of rape (discretionary)
  • Extremely grave crime of theft of private property (mandatory)
  • Extraordinarily grave crime of escape from prison (discretionary)
  • Crimes punishable by lifetime reform through labour or death penalty in exceptional circumstances (discretionary)
  • Circulation of forex punishable by execution
  • Execution by gun squad for divulging classified information via cell phone