Wednesday 6 May 2015

How UK Would VOTE If Referendum Is Held Tomorrow Instead Of National Election Whether UK Should Stay IN Or OUT Of EU

Survey sample:
ComRes interviewed 1,011 adults in the UK over the telephone, between 3rd and 5th Of May, 2015. The adults were from all demographic in the UK.

I guess Nigel Farage (leader of UK political party, UKIP, they are anti-EU, but he's a EU Parliament Minister himself) and Ukip's agenda to get UK out of the EU is not going to fly. Anyway after the election, when Nigel loses, he can finally resume to drinking pint of beer at pubs around the country.

I don't know any politician  that likes beer like Nigel Farage apart from Rob Ford, Toronto City Councillor. See some pictures of Nigel drinking beer around the UK.

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