Tuesday 5 May 2015

In Denmark, People Kills Rare Dolphins Yearly, Just For The Fun Of It!

Faroe Islands in Denmark people gather at the seaside to hunt and kill dolphins, whilst some watch on. They slaughter the dolphins in a very cruel way, just for the fun it. Is an event that happens every year and the government isn't doing much to stop it.

Animal right activists are pushing to end the cruel annual festival. Why does anyone need to kill this much dolphin anyway.

More Pictures.


Anonymous said...

THey do it for food, not for fun Btw learn to find the right information

Anonymous said...

WTF IS THIS! i'm from denmark btw... This is just insane if the do it for fun. i don't know if you make food out of dolphin meat...

Anonymous said...

Looks terrible...but these animals lived a good life. The cows, pigs etc we eat had a rotten life.