Saturday, 16 May 2015

Mark Zuckerberg Makes Additional $1.2Billion On His 31st Birthday

14 May is the birthday of facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, he turned 31. On his birthday, facebook shares went from $2.93 to staggering $81.37, you see the jump? I don't know if is just an innocent coincidence or the spirit of money deliberately planned it this way -forgetting about our feelings i don't know. Why on his birthday though lol.

This impressive jump made him addition $1.2billion on his birthday, on-top of the 9.4billion he has made since he turned 30, add that to his networth of about $35Billion...Am dead. This guy's networth is more than my mum's dowry kmt, so disrespectful....Drops mic.  lol