Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Wife Of Kenya Moore's Boyfriend Speaks Out. Indirectly Calls Kenya A lair.

Kenya Moore and James Freeman
The Real House Wives Of Atlanta star, Kenya Moore was outrage to find out through social media that her suppose new boyfriend, James Freeman is married. James was featured on the  Millionaire Matchmaker episode of The Real House Wives Of Atlanta, but a week after the show aired he got married to another lady, Jaimi Gregory. Kenya and James met on a dating site,  Millionaire Matchmaker.

A picture of James and his new wife surface online. Disgusted Kenya released a statement through her instagram to address the situation.....
Unfortunately, I just learned today that the man I met and fell in love with from “Millionaire Matchmaker” was married a week after the show aired. I am astounded and devastated to have learned of this news VIA social media as opposed to from him directly. However, I still believe in love and my heart remains open to the man God has for me. I wish him well.
However the wife of James, Jaimi Gregory has just spoken, and her account of the situation contradict Kenya's statement on instagram. She's basically saying Kenya Moore knows of her prior to her marriage to James.Her statement after the cut.

Jaimi and James Freeman

As for the nature of his brief courtship with Kenya, Gregory had this to say:

“He said he went on two or three dates after the show aired with Kenya. He told me they just kissed and nothing else. He said she just wasn’t the right person for him, but he wished her the best.”
According to Gregory, communication between Moore and Freeman stopped after they met, but two weeks ago, Moore began reaching out to him again.
“Kenya wrote to him saying that they should celebrate since their ratings were so high,” she said. “But he told her that he had met someone and fell in love so it wasn’t appropriate for him to talk with her anymore.”
Kenya, who was reportedly unhappy with his response, informed Freeman that she was displeased by his actions.
“Kenya wrote to him and told him that he hurt her brand. Of course he didn’t respond to her. But a little more than a week ago she reached out again and told him she needed a favor. When he asked what it was she told him she needed to talk to him in person,” Gregory claimed. “He didn’t want to do that so he didn’t respond.

”Gregory says that her husband was reluctant about meeting with Moore because “he told her he was seeing somebody. She knew he was seeing somebody. She was not respecting him anymore.

”She adds that she was blown away to learn that the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star released a statement claiming that she didn’t know Freeman was involved with another woman.

“It doesn’t feel good to be put in this position. James was very clear with his boundaries,” Gregory claimed. “She wasn’t respecting him. This was obviously a publicity stunt. I know it was.

”In the event that Gregory and Freeman are being 100% truthful regarding this situation, it would be safe to assume that Miss Kenya needs professional help. But at this point, who can really call it? This situation is messy anyway you try to flip it.

Source: Madamenoire