Wednesday 20 May 2015

You Can Get Pregnant Through Anal Sex

Sorry to burst your bubble. All of you naughty naughty women that doesn't want pregnancy and decided to opt for behind penetration instead of frontal like one of Madame Noire's (a blogger) friend at university.
Well expert have just revealed that there is 999,999 chance of getting pregnant through anal sex. And Dr. Brian Steixner, M.D, a urologist with Jersey Urology Group in Atlantic city, witnessed one when he was at medical school....
One night, a young, pregnant woman came into the emergency department complaining of spotting. While it’s relatively common for women to have light spotting during pregnancy, the blood was coming from her rectum. That—not so common.

 The woman was born with what’s called a cloacal malformation. Meaning: When she was born, she didn’t have a urethra, vagina, and anus. She just had one hole, called a cloaca. (FYI, birds have them.) The condition is incredibly rare, occurring in about one in 25,000 female live births, says Steixner (and it only occurs in girls—lucky us). While no one knows what causes it, it’s usually diagnosed at birth and repaired right away so that the baby has a separate urethra, vagina, and rectum.