Wednesday 3 June 2015

FIFA President, Sepp Blatter Resigns Just Four Days After His Re-election

Sepp Blatter after being re-elected as the FIFA president for the fourth time just last week amidst corruption allegation levelled against the football ruling body, he has surprisingly announced his resignation. He said: "My mandate does not appear to be supported by everybody." He will be the president until a new president is elected.

Sepp Blatter in the election received massive support from Africa and Asia. Though there has been a lot pressure in recent times calling for the resignation of the 79-year-old due to corruption traces and lack of transparency. What inspired Sepp Blatter's resignation ins't known, but according to BBC Victoria Derbyshire, he resigned because he's under investigation by the U.S authority.

Top FIFA officials were arrested in their posh Swiss hotel by Swiss authority in conjunction with the U.S authority just days to the FIFA presidential election. The officials were accused of number of wrong doings including fraud, corruption and racketing . Some of the arrested officials are to be extradited to the U.S for prosecution.