Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Hyde Park Property Sets To Be The Most Expensive In The UK for £280M

The 45 bedrooms 60,000sq ft property located at 2-8a Rutland Gate, Knightbridge was initially listed on the market for £300M following the death of it owner, Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The property is too expensive for the anyone to buy even the richest property investors.

It has been languising in the market and laying empty with no real interest for 3 years. But just yesterday a bid of £280M was put in by an unknown bidder and the deal is being considered. If accepted according to Cedric Emmanuel of property agents Swiss Group who's handling the sale. it will be the most expensive home in Britain EVER!!

If I pay £280M for a building there better be heaven in the house, just saying!!!

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