Friday 17 July 2015

Grenade Gets Stucked Across The Face Of A Mexican Mother

Karla Flores, a Mexican mother of three was minding her business when she heard a big bang, as she turn around to see what the bang came from she was struck by an object, the object pierces through her cheek and jaw, and got stuck across her face. She was rushed to the hospital and report have it that she bled untold amount of blood.

Dr. had to fight to stabilise her first before they establish what was stuck in her face. It was later found out that it was grenade. The noise she heard was a grenade launcher by the Mexican Army. It gets scarier, the grenade could detonate any time so the Army had to be contacted, they where there to help as Mrs Flores was operated on. Her operation was successful. 

More pictures after the cut.

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