Saturday 4 July 2015

Nigerian Man Finds Out His 13-Year-Old Son Is A Bastard After DNA Test For U.S Visa

Tunde Aluko, a Nigerian entrepreneur shared this heartbreaking story about his friend. When a Nigerian Dr. said 70-80 percent of Nigerian first child are bastards people descended on him accusing him of all sorts. Before his revelation the U.S embassy also kinda made reference to the staggering number of negative DNA results they get as part of their requirements for permanent residence / Greencard / lottery application

This story is another proof. 

More after the cut

read from the bottom


Anonymous said...

Maybe is time we mandate DNA test after each child. Sh%t is getting thick.

Anonymous said...

Nigerian girls have multiple lovers (including your gf) so don't delude yourself she doesn't. When pregnancy comes they give it belongs to the lover with better or more secure financial background. This is ododo oro!