Tuesday 1 September 2015

Pope Francis Has Changed The Way Catholic Women Who Have Had Abortion Are Treated

Before now Catholic doesn't see abortion as a forgiveable sin. However, Pop Francis has made a change to cease the practice.
Now, women who've had an abortion and anyone who helped them get one will be forgiven of what the Church still considers a sin, as long as they confess to having had the procedure or assisting someone in getting it.

The Vatican statement to the change.

"Forgiveness of the sin of abortion does not condone abortion nor minimize its grave effects," it said. "The newness is clearly Pope Francis' pastoral approach. Many bishops have granted priests permission to forgive the sin. The fact that this statement is coming from the Pope and in such a moving, pastoral way, is more evidence of the great pastoral approach and concern of Pope Francis.

"That people come to confession today to confess abortion and other grave sins is cause for us in the Church to thank God and to put into practice the mission of the good and merciful shepherd who came to seek out those who were lost."

Source: CNN

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