Tuesday 20 October 2015

PICS: A Police Officer Broke The Law Just After They Announce Swegway Is Illegal To Ride In Public Places

The British Metropolitan police took to their social media recently to notify the public that swegways are illegal to ride in public places essentially because their tyres are powered by electricity. They are technically considered a vehicle. A vehicle is required to have proper licencing and registration. This legislation has been in existence before the popularity of swegways yet there is no known provision to register swegways with DVLA.  

Shortly after the announcement of swegway's illegality an officer was seen on swegway in public place. The officer got a brief lesson from a member of the public that own the electrical machine. I guess the female officer isn't aware of this legislation like most of us. 

I hope someone will show her the messages of her bosses, the look on her face will be priceless. 

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