Thursday 19 November 2015

Dencia Blast Critics And Shows Off Her Bleached Knuckles

Hi guys & Dolls,Dencia here ( every post from me will be signed Dencia) So I see comments all over the place about me never showing my hands (fingers) & I'm like wait I'm I supposed to take pictures with my hands up?everyone knows u almost never know what to do with your hands when taking pictures or the only option is to do the classic hand waist pose which I hate.Today on my way to the hospital I'm like ugh my nails are falling apart then I randomly take pictures of my skinny long fingers 😏 then I decide to post.The truth is the knuckles & joints struggle is real for everyone, a lot of people have hyper pigmentation on there from whites to black to every ethnicity.The hands get used & abused a lot and if u notice your left hand always looks better than the right hand that's cuz the right Hand is the slave lol.I usually spend time ( like 10 times a day) putting lotion on my knuckles, infact I came up with a solution I have been testing which makes that easy, u see when u moisturizer ur whole hand,they all get equal moisturizer but the knuckles need more & need it often to keep a nice tone to match the rest of your hands.Until then when using our knuckles & knees cream,apply directly on the (3points & 2 points) until it clears up before using all over your hand (btw ladies filters make your knuckles look darker) Xo Dencia

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