Tuesday 17 March 2015

PHOTO: The Letter British MP For Peckham And Camberwell Wrote To British Foreign Minister About Abducted Chibok Girls!

Harriet Harman's Letter to William Hague

When the abduction news of Chibok school girls broke on Monday 14th  April, 2014 -Nigerians home and abroad were outrage, confused and in absolute disarray.  One of the controversies the issue rose was the exact figure of the abducted girls, different media houses quoted different numbers. Questions were ask If the Nigerian Government has plan to rescue the girls all of which met the deaf ear of the government.

Harriet Harman MP for Peckham And Camberwell, a constituency with large number of Nigerian immigrants - didn't hesitate to pen a letter to William Hague, the then Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs asking him to verify the number of the abducted girls, the British government plans on rescue mission et al. A lot of people didn't believe she wrote the letter. continue..

Harriet Harman MP for Peckham And Camberwell

Close to a year since the abduction of the girls many still haven't seen the letter despite it being available online. We thought we should find and bring you the letter.

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