Wednesday 8 April 2015

Good News! Jesse Jagz Is Back With Chocolate City

L-R: MI Abaga, Audu Maikori (Chocolate City Founder) and Jesse Jagz

Jesse Jagz 3 years ago left Chocolate City for reasons unknown to fans and music lovers. Since the split Jesse Jagz has not been doing very well to the best our knowledge though he founded his own label, Jagz Nation and he released an album of the same title. The album didn't go well.

After the split his older brother, MI Abaga on the other side of the spectrum recorded number of successes which included the acquisition of a G-Wagon among other things and Ice Prince too is doing well. Jagz's return to the label is a good news for both party. Let's hope that Brymo will follow his footsteps and return to the label. Together these forces can give us good music and bring back the good old days of Chocolate City.  More pictures of what the rapper looks like now....

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