Saturday 23 May 2015

Meet The Luxurious Life Style Of Instagram Bad Boy Travers Beynon AKA CandyMan.

Travers Beynon is a successful gold coast tabacco businessman and a former model that made 6 figures yearly as at 1995. He made millions dealing tobacco and he's not afraid to spend it lavishly just like a successful kiddo will do. He's considered the Australian Hugh Hefner. He's equally competing with Dan Bilzerian for the instagram bad boy throne.

He's married to 1991 Miss World, she's his first wife. His second wife. Taesha and his then girlfriend, Kirsty Engelmann, are best friends and together they lived under the same roof, -he's living the life isn't it! He sometimes have both of them on a leash as the picture above illustrated. He came under fire from some people after he posted the picture, which he refuse to take down. Dan Bilzerian told him off about that too, pot calling kettle black. Kirsty Engelmann only just work out on him 

His mansion sees incessant unclad girls either roaming the pool side or having a party. Homey is living the life. More pictures after the cut.