Wednesday 27 May 2015

Police Arrest 6 Top FIFA Officials Including Vice President For Bribery Worth £60m

Arrested; Jeffrey Webb, FIFA Vice-President
Plain clothed Swiss Police at 6am today descended on Baur au Lac hotel, Switzerland, unannounced to whisk away some top FIFA officials, six in total. The arrest is coming two days before the FIFA presidential election. They are being accused of taking bribes worth £60M for over six years. The alleged bribery includes sponsorship deals and bidding corruption.

The arrested officials were led away through the side door of the hotel. Some of them used their bedsheets to conceal themselves from the public.

Profile Of the arrested officials

Jeffrey Webb
FIFA vice-president and president of CONCACAF.
The 50-year-old was born and lives in the Cayman Islands and is the Cayman Islands Football Association president.
Previously been hailed by Sepp Blatter as the potential successor to the position of FIFA president.
Eugenio Figueredo
Former footballer and now Uruguayan FA executive.
A former president of CONMEBOL, the South American football federation.

Jack Warner
Former FIFA vice-president and president of CONCACAF from Trinidad and Tobago until he resigned from all his positions in international football in 2011.
He was arrested in relation to corruption in the bidding process for the 2022 Qatar World Cup.
Jack Warner, the former vice-president of Fifa, and his family, were paid around £1million from a Qatari firm close to the country's successful bid for the 2022 bid.
This led to the FBI investigating Trinidad-based Mr Warner and his alleged links to the Qatari bid.

Eduardo Li 
President of the Costa Rican Football Association.

Julio Rocha
President of the Nicaraguan Football Federation.  

Jose Maria Marin 
Vice-president of the Brazil Football Federation and its former president.
The CBF were the football organisation who handed out controversial £16,000 Parmigiani watches at their congress in Sao Paulo a year ago when Marin was chief of the association.

Costas Takkas
A former general secretary of the Cayman Islands Football Association.
Rafael Esquivel
President of the Venezuelan Football Federation since 1988.

Nicolas Leoz
Former CONMEBOL president between 1986 and 2013.
He allegedly wanted the FA Cup named after him in exchange for a vote for England in their attempts to host the 2018 World Cup.

There are other Marketing Officials too that will be facing charges in the U.S
