Thursday 14 May 2015

Star of Coronation Street, Simon Gregson And His Wife Announces His Wife's Pregnancy In The Most Humourous Way Ever!

British television star, Simon Gregson, 40, of Coronation Street is expecting his third child with his wife, Emma Gleave. The pair took to twitter to announce Emma's pregnancy in the most humourous way ever that you can help but smile and congratulate them.

Simon and Emma wrote what's in their bellies. Simon's big belly is full of beer while his wife's belly has baby in it as they hold beer and milk respectively, Aww, so cute. Congratulatory messages has began to pour in on their timelines.  Ssipgrats to them! 

The picture above was accompanied with the following message.
After a stressful few months....myself and @emmagleave are excited to announce.....