Friday 17 July 2015

Students Are Forced To Masturbate In Class As Coursework

Student of a College in the U.S were left with no choice but to sue their overly sexual Professor. The students are of a  'sexual course', but they believe their professor gives indecent sexual sexual course works, and inappropriately and excessively speaks about sex.

Among other inappropriate things the Prof required of them is  a classroom masturbation. The Professor in question, Prof. Kubistant told student at the beginning of course that he 'will increase their sexual urges to such a height that they wouldn't be able to think about anything other than sex'

Another coursework he gave required students to write 250 words essay each describing their personal sexual thoughts, he also informed students that their final project for the class will be a case study titled  'A Sexual Case Study...You'

A commenter said "why is the Prof gathering the sexual thoughts of his students, that sound like a wanking material to me" 

Another coursework required the following...

  • When did I l begin early exploration of my genitals. 
  • Describe any sexual abuse. How did I lose my virginity. 
  • Did I experience a homosexual outing, phase, and what challenges were associated with that?  
  • Describe personal promiscuity behaviours. 
  • Do I cheat, and how do I feel about it

Wonders shall never end!!! 

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