Wednesday 18 November 2015

10 Things Nigerian Girls Say To Scare New Partner When They Initiate Sex

1. I never knew this was the reason why you have been bothering my life with your calls and text messages. I used to think you different from other guys out there. I remember vividly when one told me "Tosyne, from your looks, I used to think you are a cool and gentle dude. Now I know that looks can be deceiving
2. I know that you will not take me serious after getting what you are looking for
3. It's not like I don't love you, just that I'm scared of guys. Promise me you will not leave me.
4. I know that you will later go about telling your friends what happened behind the closed doors 

5. What do you think you are doing ?
6. Is this why you invited me here?
7. I don't think I'm ready for this
8. So this is your definition of love ? So this is what you want me to use to prove my love for you?
9. Do you think what you are doing is right before God ?
10. Don't you think it's too early for this?

Feel free to add yours
Have fun
Original writer: Netizen Tosyne2much

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