Thursday 19 November 2015

Idris Elba Cover The Front Page Of Men Health And Gives Fitness Tips

The British actor got them girls going crazy as usual with these new photos. The former boyfriend of singer K Michelle dished out some advice for men on how to stay fit. 
"Some guys want to be toned or want to jog for miles, but my ultimate fitness goal is to be fight-ready. If I step into the ring, could I go toe-to-toe for five rounds? That’s what I strive for. That’s what I consider fit. I want to know that if I’m being wrestled to the ground, I’ve got the strength to fight a man off. Kickboxing is rugged—it’s all core strength. But when you’re fight-ready, you feel like you can last forever.”
“I do these burpees where you have to stand up, and then you kind of crawl on your hands to the burpee position, burpee, and then crawl back up and do a star jump. I do about 15 of those and then I’m done.”
More pictures after the cut

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