Thursday 26 November 2015

Remember The British Columnist That Called Immigrants Cockroaches, Some Student Staged A Massive Walk Out On Her In The Middle OF Her Debate

Kate Hopkins is a British TV personality and columnist that speaks very rudely and disrespectfully. She has an opinion about everything and they are usually obnoxious one. She has zero sensitivity, I guess the Brunel University student were right to give a taste of her own medication. 

During a debate on “Does the Welfare State have a place in 2015?”, Katie Hopkins was taking part in a Brunel University auditorium when, as soon as she started talking, the students watching stood up and faced the back.

Brunel’s communications manager also confirmed that students had protested when they heard that Hopkins would be taking part, so it’s probably been a long time in the making.

Student union president tweeted in support of the students.

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