Saturday 21 November 2015

This Bride-To-Be Got Creative With The Destruction Of Her Wedding Dress After She Was Dump By A Text

This is where Florida bride-to-be Kiley Manulak found herself, with an ex-fiancé who has no balls and a wedding dress and no wedding to wear it to.

Did she lock herself inside her bathroom and cry? No. Well, she probably did. But she got right back up and unlocked that door and took life by the balls. Unlike her ex-fiancé.

She decided she was going to do something fun with her dress. Specifically her local colour run, Tampa’s Colour Fun Fest, with her five bridesmaids – in their dresses. Talk about dressing for the occasion.

“It was actually very liberating,” she told WFLA News. “I don’t want a pity party. I just want to have fun with it.”

Manulak was just as, if not more, classy when commenting on her ex. She even thanked him for letting her go so that she can find something better *snaps fingers in z-formation*.

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