Tuesday 1 December 2015

A Group Is Going Around In London Handling Fat People A Card With Message Telling Them They Eat Too Much

The group called Overweight Haters Ltd are going around in London handling fat people a card that contain degrading and disrespectful messages about their appearance. The group believes fat people are fat because they eat too much(Gluttony). A lady busted into tears after she read the card handed to her by one of Overweight Haters members. 

A witness said ....
Young man just got on train at Oxford Circus, gave printed card saying YOU'RE FAT to overweight girl. He jumped off. She read it, & cried.
One of their the group victim, a lady by the name Kara posted this on her facebook
I am not upset myself, I am smaller than the national average and not exactly obese, but this is hateful and cowardly and could potentially upset people struggling with confidence and eating disorders.
Please tweet and share this if you are also outraged. Plus, to the person who wrote this card. Go back to school, you can’t spell beautiful.

And in response to the Overweight Haters Ltd hate another group have emerge, they are out to counter Overweight Haters Ltd. Their name is Bigot Detester Ltd. A picture of their own card in response to that of Haters Ltd below.

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