Tuesday 22 March 2016

He Caught His Friend's Girlfriend With Another Man, Should He Tell Or Not

I went to visit family members where I used to stay, then decided to quickly say hi to my secondary school friend who stays in the same neighborhood.

On getting to his place he was drinking a mixture of alcohol, we talked about old times and the future. This guy keeps drinking the mixture so I couldn't help but ask him why he's drinking that at afternoon, he told me that a girl is coming to visit him and he "needs to finish work", he went on to tell me of his escapades with this girl, I just laughed and said he won't change.

Just as I was about leaving the girl called him that she is almost at the gate. I was going to leave immediately since his place is a self contain and I don't want it to look awkward that I am leaving because she came. I was right outside his door when the girl walked into the compound, and for a moment I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. This same girl is a girlfriend to a close friend of mine where I live, this girl from what I know is the decent type, my guy's serious date, whenever she is around we would be like ah madam don show.

Thinking about the details and escapeds this my secondary school friend just told me, I couldn't believe she is the same person. Long story short, I don't know how she got my number, she had been calling me, when I refused to talk to her she sent me a message on whatsapp saying she doesn't know why she did what she did, and that she loves her BF what what.

I have been cheated on and thanks to a Nairaland who was able to help me go through that phase, I know how much it hurts and I don't want to be the one to put my friend through same pain. Should I just keep quite and hope he finds out or should I tell him?

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