Thursday 17 September 2015

VIDEO: Interview Of The Muslim Flight Attendant That Refused To Serve Alcohol On 'The View'

The story of Charee Stanley hit the mainstream media when she was fired by ExpressJet because of her refusal to serve a customer alcohol, a act that is seen in the eye of her then employer as blatant refusal to discharge her duties. She refused to discharge the service on religion grounds, she added that her religion (Islam) doesn't allow her to drink, serve or sell alcohol. She said the alcohol bit of her job is non-essential, she doesn't have to do it. 

The internet is having a debate on her situation, what do you say?

Some comments on internet....

she loves her job so i dont see the problem here. heck if it was me.. id just make the arrangement with my partner who can serve and keep it between us. no one will have to know i dont serve alcohol and no one will make unnecessary fuss over it. im doing my job and at the same time practicing my religion. and i dont think asking my partner to make one or two bloody marys would hurt her/him too

One of the few things she learnt is 'how to save her customer who have heart attack...(while on flight)' my question is 'What if the customer is a man and he has a heart attack while on flight, will she not do what she is supposed to do because she now know that she is not allowed to touch a man in order to practice her religion perfectly? If she refused to save the man or do what is expected professionally, is she fulfilling her du

When she applied for the job, I am sure she was told what the job entails , serving customers, saving lives (where she can), etc etc . She knew she couldn't serve alcohol or touch a male passenger (to save his life), why apply for the job in the first place?

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