Wednesday 16 September 2015

Violation! Muslim Teenager Arrested Because Of Home Made Clock That Teacher Thought It Was Bomb

A 14-year-old Muslim boy found himself in handcuffs after he tried to impress his teacher with a homemade clock that she decided looked like a bomb.
Ahmed Mohamed likes tinkering with electronics, and created a clock inside a box which he proudly brought to MacArthur High School in Irving Texas, The Dallas Morning News reported.
He showed it to a less than enthusiastic engineering teacher, who advised him not to show anyone else, but when another teacher complained about the clock's alarm going off, he showed it to her.

"She was like, it looks like a bomb," he told the Morning News He responded, "It doesn't look like a bomb to me."

Ahmed says he put it together in about 20 minutes. It's made of a circuit board, a power supply and a digital display housed inside "a box you could get at Target for like, five, 10 dollars," according to Mohamed.

The teacher notified school administrators, and Mohamed was pulled out of class and led to a room where four police officers waited later in the day.

"Yup. That's who I thought it was," one of the officer's said when Mohamed was led to the room. They asked him if he tried to make a bomb, and he explained that it was only ever a clock.

"It looks like a movie bomb to me," one of the officers said.

The principal threatened to expel Mohamed if he didn't make a written statement. Police searched his belongings and led him out of the school in handcuffs, in front of staff and fellow classmates. He was taken to a juvenile detention facility and released to his parents.

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